Dua karya dalam satu bulan ini untuk dua pameran bersama teman - teman jogjaforce dalam acara jogja parade kickfest 2009 dan bersama teman - teman ISI dalam pameran seethesound di arslonga gallery jogjakarta. Hmm entahlah tapi saya merasa masih merasa kaku karena lama sekali gak berkarya...terlalu sering memuaskan klien haha...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bukan Keluarga Cemara tetapi Keluarga Semarang!
Sebagai tanda mata, seorang teman kakak ingin memberikan kenang-kenangan perpisahan untuk temannya yang akan pindah tempat kerja.
Seharusnya dan ternyata ordernya karikatur, tapi brokernya gak jelas ngebriefnya ... alhasil jadilah foto keluarga dengan gaya ilustrasi kartun anak versi imadawwas ... dan ternyata setelah diterima sang pemilik foto keluarga tersebut ... sangat suka karena anak-anak mereka berebut untuk memajangnya di ruang tamu ... by the way, thanks untuk mbak Shinta ...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Karena banyak kesibukan, belum bisa update. Selain itu banyak commission yang belum di produksi oleh pihak terkait jadi maaf sekali tidak bisa menampilkan hasil karya tersebut sebelum diproduksi. Thanks untuk selalu support dan mengunjungi blog ruangpamerima :)
Semoga di bulan-bulan berikutnya dapat beraktifitas seperti semula...
Semoga di bulan-bulan berikutnya dapat beraktifitas seperti semula...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Year Books Parade
Year book SMUNEL Makasar
Ini adalah beberapa ilustrasi yang aku garap untuk beberapa Yearbook SMU. Sebenarnya masih ada beberapa desain, namun aku rasa ini cukup mewakili desain-desain lain yang aku buat. Ada beberapa style namun aku tetep gak ingin ciri khas itu hilang. Beberapa aku buat dengan kolase digital, dan beberapa aku bikin dengan manual sketch. Seperti biasa aku mix dengan beberapa elemen seperti tekstur kertas tua dan dan brush.
Requestnya eye cathing, retro dan sangat urban. Hmmm..., semoga sudah sesuai briefnya, kalau menurut anda? jangan ragu untuk kasih masukan dan komentar buat saya :)
Requestnya eye cathing, retro dan sangat urban. Hmmm..., semoga sudah sesuai briefnya, kalau menurut anda? jangan ragu untuk kasih masukan dan komentar buat saya :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Commission Illustration for de Kosmo FO

Drawing competition for children
de Kosmo Factory Outlet
Tahun ini de Kosmo bikin acara lomba lukis dan mewarnai...lagi, konsepnya hijau. ema "Aku ingin Jogjaku Sejuk" aku coba gambarkan dengan suasana aktifitas lomba lukis anak- anak yang seru, selain itu juga bertujuan menarik minat para peserta lomba untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam event ini. Karena target audiencenya anak-anak, aku pikir lebih asyik kalo gambar dalam media promosinya menggunakan ilustrasi yang berkarakter anak-anak pula. Pendekatan ini aku pakai karena anak-anak akan lebih mudah menerima suatu pesan yang dekat dengan dunianya. Maka jadilah ilustrasi ini...seperti biasa coloring aku garap bersama Thomas sebagai desainer lay outnya.
Wedding Card - Milla & Danny
Again, the comissions work of wedding card used the same style of illustration. I think maybe some people, then anyway some of them choose the way safety. I think because they like the first work so they don't want to see the next design will more different than before then they loss their image. But I don't want to be stuck and accepting the suggestion then I don't make a changes anything with the design.
I have made a change and replaced some of the elements with the new sketch, although it has the result which look like the same but if you looking at in every details, one by one then finally you will find the differences.
And I don't want forget to say thank you for Milla & Danny who believe in me to make something beautiful for their marriage.
I have made a change and replaced some of the elements with the new sketch, although it has the result which look like the same but if you looking at in every details, one by one then finally you will find the differences.
And I don't want forget to say thank you for Milla & Danny who believe in me to make something beautiful for their marriage.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Beberapa bulan yang lalu Thoms meminta beberapa stok illustrasi, katanya sih mau dipakai untuk desain bebe bag. Jadilah 3 desain yang dia coloring dan komposisikan menjadi desain tas. Menurut rencana sih akan di print di atas kanvas. Namun setelah ditunggu-tunggu tak ada tanggapan lebih lanjut, akhirnya menjadi karya yang diupload dalam blog saja.

Monday, April 20, 2009
fashion illustration,
t-shirt design
Sunday, April 12, 2009
New Style Trial
Kali ini aku mencoba bermain dengan warna-warna block yang solid. Namun irama dan aroma vintage masih terlihat dan tercium di sini. memang aku tak ingin meninggalkan identitasku sama sekali pada setiap karya baru yang aku coba bikin. Itu karena aku ingin ada benang merah pada setiap karya ku.
Pertama adalah Rainy Song, di dalam karya ini aku mencoba menggabungkan beberapa elemen yang mungkin sangat kontras kelihatannya, antara objek yang menggunakan goresan ekspresif versus background berupa elemen bentuk dan vector. Untuk itu aku mencoba menyatukannya dengan irama vintage dan kurasa berhasil, finally aku mendapatkan gambar yang tidak terlalu flat dan terlihat sedikit jauh dari kesan kontras, walau dalam masing-masing elemen aku menggunakan warna yang sangat tajam.

digital collage - illustation
Yang kedua Dancing Queen, di dalam karya ini aku mencoba lebih berani dengan komposisi warna yang sama-sama kuat dan terkesan saling tarik menarik, namun itu sengaja aku munculkan agar dinamisasi itu muncul dan mampu mendukung objek di dalamnya. Memang dalam beberapa detail ilustrasi masih ada sedikit keganjilan, aku memang tak ahli dalam teknik shadow namun yang akan datang aku akan berusaha memperbaikinya. Background pattren sengaja aku buat menuju salah satu warna dominan agar semakin menguatkan komposisinya.
digital collage - illustation
The Last is Statis, konsepnya simpel saja aku ingin membuatnya berbeda *benar-benar statis*, namun rasanya justru karya ini yang memperoleh apresiasi lebih. Mungkin karena kombinasi antara komunikasi mata dengan rasa yang diperoleh ketika kita melihatnya. Aku juga tak banyak menggunakan warna disini karena aku yakin anda akan sangat pusing jika karya ini aku bikin dengan campuran berbagai macam warna dan pattern seperti karya lain di atas.Monday, March 23, 2009
commission: Wedding Card
Ceritanya, Dedi ini kepingin di buatin undangan yang gak jauh2 dari punya mbak Ika, *desain sebelumnya*. Namun untuk membedakannya, aku sengaja mengganti beberapa elemen seperti pohon, rumput, daun, bunga, jendela dengan sket baru. Tentu saja biar kelihatan fresh dan gak ngeplek seperti yang sebelumnya. Di sini aku juga menambahkan beberapa elemen baru yang sebelumnya gak ada di desain kartu undangannya Ika, kalian bisa lihat beberapa perbedaan di dalamnya. Kalau soal warnanya, sama seperti yang dulu, haha ... ini karena permintaan Dedi. Sebelumnya aku bikin alternatif warna blue pale tapi sepertinya Dedy lebih mantep dengan warna yang ini, mungkin karena sebelumnya dia sudah mengamati dan merekam dalam memorinya warna undangan terdahulu dan suka, jadi aku juga gak bisa nyalahin Dedi dong kalo akhirnya dia tetap memilih warna ini.
Oke, btw semoga pernikahan Dedi dan Mimil berjalan lancar dan terimakasih atas permintaannya untuk mendesainkan sebuah kartu undangan di hari bahagia kalian :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Collaboration with Area 105
Tony asked me, the high resolution file of this sketch. he said to me if he wanted to make a collaboration with my sketch. I think he want to combining it with his style. Then, of course absolutely I agree. During I become his friend, this is my first collaboration with him ha...ha...ha...*ups sorry om Ton*. Finally, the sketch of "How do you do Miss Deer" was done with the taste of area 105. The result is look really wonderful, minimalist but remain to colorful. I really proud because finally I can collaboration with him.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
New Commission: February on Sale Kosmo Factory Outlet
The current week I already finish one commission work for the Kosmo Factory Outlet Jogja "February on Sale", they wish to make a the campaign for this event here I make this February event has seen freshly and pop.
From survey which I do the customer a lot of young clan specially young woman having unique life style and a little bit bohemian, though this market in fact concentrated to family, but exactly family very minim can be spelled out members only 20-30%. And because that reason, I make the campaign to 70% from their customer who shopping at that place.
In this commission work I want to be impress by change the atmosphere, hence there are some new element in it. You can see it, not? I used some element of geometry and contrast of color with a half high saturation
For the advertisement of newspaper intentionally be made by more elegant and glamorous, I make the font look bling - bling and reduction some supporter element, but still in one union.
From survey which I do the customer a lot of young clan specially young woman having unique life style and a little bit bohemian, though this market in fact concentrated to family, but exactly family very minim can be spelled out members only 20-30%. And because that reason, I make the campaign to 70% from their customer who shopping at that place.
In this commission work I want to be impress by change the atmosphere, hence there are some new element in it. You can see it, not? I used some element of geometry and contrast of color with a half high saturation
For the advertisement of newspaper intentionally be made by more elegant and glamorous, I make the font look bling - bling and reduction some supporter element, but still in one union.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Nu Artwork for WOW#4 (sumbission)
First, I 'm very happy because two of my artwork there's in wow # 4. It's true only submission but because a life time ago I do not keep abreast of the e-zine and because my style in commutation also, I feel to make proper the pride when my new style has appreciation. Two artwork which I submit in wow # 4 representing new artwork and have never confessed to publicize previously, and one artwork again entitling how do you do miss deer? have confessed to print in calendar format 2009
waiting for the melting moon
This artwork is talk about, no hope and the hopeless and enjoyment in awaiting something that do not surely. The figure I take from my old sketch. I try to make a new composite again by style newly , I was combining with a few decorator element and I intentionally make the impression surealism and bleak in this artwork
pool site pin up
I make the composition fresher by using a combination of contrast color. In this artwork I try to eliminate some element in previous artwork so that impress more fresh and far from fantasy impression, it's just like illustration in poster format
hopefully all of you like
see and download also wow#4 at http://www.majalahwow.vze.com/
waiting for the melting moon
This artwork is talk about, no hope and the hopeless and enjoyment in awaiting something that do not surely. The figure I take from my old sketch. I try to make a new composite again by style newly , I was combining with a few decorator element and I intentionally make the impression surealism and bleak in this artwork
pool site pin up
I make the composition fresher by using a combination of contrast color. In this artwork I try to eliminate some element in previous artwork so that impress more fresh and far from fantasy impression, it's just like illustration in poster format
hopefully all of you like
see and download also wow#4 at http://www.majalahwow.vze.com/
Friday, February 6, 2009
My sketch, my basic, my precious
All early from a sketch.
This very valuable object for me, is the basic from every artwork which I've made . In consequence, I remain to saving my entire sketch, after I scanned and becoming the digital file in my PC. I never forget to collect them in an archives album.
sketch 0.2
Basic illustration from Welcome to the champ au naturel
JF calendar 2009 support by Territory magazine
sketch 0.2
Basic illustration from How do you do miss deer?
imadawwas calendar 2009 and print on tees
FIX graphic artist merchandise
One day I wish to expose my sketch in one album project. And now you all can see it in my page, at my gallery of Behance
This very valuable object for me, is the basic from every artwork which I've made . In consequence, I remain to saving my entire sketch, after I scanned and becoming the digital file in my PC. I never forget to collect them in an archives album.
submission wow #4

Basic illustration from Welcome to the champ au naturel
JF calendar 2009 support by Territory magazine

Basic illustration from How do you do miss deer?
imadawwas calendar 2009 and print on tees
FIX graphic artist merchandise
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Third: My Best Friend Wedding
wedding card design
tribute to Putrie & Danan
Konsep save the planet and get married to day ini datang dari mereka. Entah apa yang melatar belakanginya, namun aku mencoba membantu untuk mewujudkannya dalam bentuk dan komposisi desain undangan pernikahan yang terkesan fun namun outputnya tetap formal.AND GET MARRIED TO DAY

wedding card design
tribute to Putrie & Danan
Mereka tidak mau memajang foto ataupun inisial, karakter desain gak mau kalo ilustrasinya ber sulur-sulur, *waduh padahal itu hobbyku he he he* vector -vector gitu deh, warna flat, kombinasi warna pastel, bentuk-bentuk ikonik , et voila... yang diatas tadi adalah hasilnya.
Terimakasih karena banyak yang memuji, terimakasih Danan dan Putri karena mampu memaksaku mendesain karakter yang berbeda.

ternyata kalian foto prewedding juga, huh!
Friday, January 16, 2009
WE AGAINST WAR : humanity project
create by bloodykirka for all deviant members
as we all know that there is war going on now and it has been 21 days and we never know when it will ends, war has always took lotsa victims not just from the military or the target but also the innocent civillian like babies, children, and other civillians..
maybe we can not do much about this to prevent or stop this war but we can still speak through our arts to speak our sense of humanity.
for that everyone invited in this art project for humanity in any form of arts, because we must show to the world that any kind of occupation has to be erased and the war should not happens.. through this arts we're not only presenting individuals or specific country but we're presenting our side of humanity..
for showing our rejectness to any kind of war and violences let's together
make arts and submit it collectively on 17th of january 2009 with the same deviation title which is "WE AGAINST THE WAR" to show them that we're together strongly refused the war!
best wishes for the world we're living.
we againts war
by bloodykirka
we againts war
by balung
we againts war
by judgess
we againts war
by blackcatdead
as we all know that there is war going on now and it has been 21 days and we never know when it will ends, war has always took lotsa victims not just from the military or the target but also the innocent civillian like babies, children, and other civillians..
maybe we can not do much about this to prevent or stop this war but we can still speak through our arts to speak our sense of humanity.
for that everyone invited in this art project for humanity in any form of arts, because we must show to the world that any kind of occupation has to be erased and the war should not happens.. through this arts we're not only presenting individuals or specific country but we're presenting our side of humanity..
for showing our rejectness to any kind of war and violences let's together
make arts and submit it collectively on 17th of january 2009 with the same deviation title which is "WE AGAINST THE WAR" to show them that we're together strongly refused the war!
best wishes for the world we're living.
... and there's mine and other art works submitted in 17th January 2009

by bloodykirka

by balung

by judgess

by blackcatdead
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Welcome to The Champ au Naturel
This artwork is made for the jogjaforce's calendar 2009 and supported by territory magazine. with the theme green, this calendar wish to following the contribute and also campaigning about the issue of global warming which in this time a lot of voiced by world citizen. There's 12 masterpiece from some artist of jogjafoce ( inclusive of this artwork) which merged into the calendar 2009 in high resolution format which can download at www.jogjaforce.com
Monday, January 5, 2009
How do you do Miss Deer (it's a make over work)
from my t-shirt design, I make over become a new artwork with the combination of new elements. I try to combining the elements of manual drawing with a touch of digital finishing. and this is its result
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