as we all know that there is war going on now and it has been 21 days and we never know when it will ends, war has always took lotsa victims not just from the military or the target but also the innocent civillian like babies, children, and other civillians..
maybe we can not do much about this to prevent or stop this war but we can still speak through our arts to speak our sense of humanity.
for that everyone invited in this art project for humanity in any form of arts, because we must show to the world that any kind of occupation has to be erased and the war should not happens.. through this arts we're not only presenting individuals or specific country but we're presenting our side of humanity..
for showing our rejectness to any kind of war and violences let's together
make arts and submit it collectively on 17th of january 2009 with the same deviation title which is "WE AGAINST THE WAR" to show them that we're together strongly refused the war!
best wishes for the world we're living.
... and there's mine and other art works submitted in 17th January 2009

by bloodykirka

by balung

by judgess

by blackcatdead
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