Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pameran Diskomfest #3 kemaren, sekalian Submission for Mondaydigimagz #2

print on flexi S55 100 x 150 cm
Sempat beberapa teman *cocoplay-deetz-mumolabs-abeikoen* bilang gini,
- "Ma, kok kaya montendo *Icha* sih?
- *dengan pembelaan yang kuat* "gak ah beda, masa mirip?"
- itu loh style cacah gori nya!
- mmm banyak juga yang pake cacah gori *kotak-kotak itu*, bukan Icha aja kan! lagian perasaan beberapa karya kemaren juga pake cacah gori dan gak ada yang protes!
Selain di Pameran DISKOMFEST #3 , karya ini juga menjadi pelengkap sumbission di Monday Digimagz vol.2 . Dapat jatah 4 karya sih, tapi karena sesuatu hal yang sulit untuk disebutkan akhirnya jadilah 2 karya baru setelah karya ini.
Karya pertama berjudul why so seriuos, dan yang kedua berjudul dirty true, bercerita tentang kegalauan anak manusia masa kini. Tentang dunia yang semakin membara, tentang permasalahan yang kompleks, tentang hal hal yang tabu tapi patut untuk di perbincangkan, why so serious hahaha!
Sebetulnya aku ingin keempat karya itu ber seri, tapi karena akhirnya karya yang jadi hanya dua, reason to look good aku jadikan pelengkapnya dengan pertimbangan stylenya gak jauh beda, *walau aku merasa agak sedikit jauh juga*. Dengan semangat niteni nirokke nambahi, jadilah ketiga karya baru imadawwas. Berharap mendapatkan respon positif dari para pemirsa sekalian.
Free Download Monday Digimagz #2 at http://mondaydigimagz.blogspot.com/
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Sarbini's Family

Ma, Bisa bikinin illustrasi foto keluargaku gak
Hmmm ada foto kakek dan nenek aku yang jadi superhero gitu
trus anak cucunya yang berjumlah 50 orang gitu.
yang bener aja 50 kepala digambar semua?
Yaah sebagian aja kali...
ntar aku kirim foto kakek, nenek dan perwakilan anggota keluargaku ya
okey Ma, aku tunggu pokoknya beres ada asupan gizinya...
Oke deh!
tiga minggu kemudian....
Ma, gambarnya dah jadi blom?
besok mo di pake buat tgl 7 ada acara keluarga!
makanya aku bilang ada asupan gizinya!
wah blom jadi tuh, oke 2 aku bikin besok tgl 3 aku email ke kamu
empat hari kemudian...
Tuh dah aku email
ini previewnya aku kirim via ym ya
Wah Ma, I lov it!
aku share dulu ke keluargaku ya
beberapa menit kemudian....
kok emailnya ga nyampe, Ma?
Masa sih? aku bener kok nulisnya
setelah dua kali ngirim email tetap gak sukses
akhirnya berhasil di yahoo.
rek. nya apa?
aku punyanya shar-e
setornya di kantor pos
BCA aja, secara di kantor cuma ada BCA
mmm kantor pos ada gak?!
kalo gitu pake rek thom aja ya
Tapi Ma, jam segini bank nya dah tutup
besok aja ya !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa Ramadhan 1429 HijriyahMohon Maaf Lahir & Batin.
Semoga amal ibadah kita selama bulan suci
diterima oleh Allah SWT
Amin Ya Robbal 'Alamin.
download wallpaper at my deviant gallery http://imadawwas.deviantart.com
Pameran MKG kemaren

Monday, September 15, 2008
My Best Friend Wedding - 2

Oh ya, just for information, imadawwas will be soon opening wedding card gallery yang desainnya dapat kamu pesan dan kostumisasi sesui kebutuhan kamu, you can order it and also costumize* it with 50$ per design.
*more costumize can be costly
Friday, August 1, 2008
I Pimp Your Shoes
Thursday, July 31, 2008
When I'm as a Teacher
dalam kompetisi ini

Monday, July 21, 2008
masterpiece on merchandise
Memproduksi pin untuk kesenangan, dibagikan pada saat seminar, dan untuk di jual. Sapa saya jika saat kita berpapasan di jalan dan tanyakan hal ini, dapatkan paket pin dari imadawwas dan pilih yang kamu suka.
//Pin dibuat dalam media kaleng, asli korea(best quality product) dan diproduksi oleh seorang teman dengan printer color laser. Siap melayani anda para artis dan non artis dalam pembuatan pin partai besar maupun satuan, harganyapun maha oke!! call 081804234859 untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Telah lauch selama sebulan ini, blog untuk kita semua. Tempat dimana kita bisa berkeluh kesah dan bertawakal sejenak atas segala apapun yang saat ini tengah kita hadapi. Mampir dan berikan komentarmu tentang cerita dalam dunia kerja kamu sebagai seorang desainer di sini. Apabila kamu serius ingin menjadi kontributor blog ini kirim email padaku dan aku akan menanggapinya dengan serius pula, okey!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Playing with Photos
I choosed photographs of Kiky, she is my model. I took her because she has a face character matching with my style. this photo is taken in fresco digital photograph by a fotografer except that Rendra.
I took three photo with the same costume and with the different style. First photo I entitle it with Kiky on patters. I dott with the simple pattern illustration. I wish to present the calm atmosphere in this artork.
Worderland Dreaming
The third is really I make it different and go out from the original photo. Kiky really turning into the figure which at haphazard previously. I will spell out members if this manipulation photo. after finishing this photo remind me of girls whose player of cabaret opera and I felt satisfy enough with the result
Third photographs that I make as artwork experiment with the photography and I still wish to do the artwork like this. Of course I will like if among all of you there which will become my model haha
Monday, June 2, 2008
Collaboration with Thomas's Father
This time I try to tilling, two picture with the different character like what I tell you previously, that is sexy woman and hooded woman. Here, I only enhance the element with a few ornamen and then I colour it, lay out some part and adorn it become the artwork according to my style and you can see that two artwork of mine, hereunder! Very beautiful that's it? Now, who's enthusiastic for make a collaboration with him?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Beautiful Allergy by Imadawwas
This t-shirt of Beautiful Allergy I make like an artwork, only one each t-shirt differ the picture of, because this is an artwork. Sometimes I also sell it. Because I make only one limited artwork on t-shirt, it will become rather costly, I sell it about Rp 85.000 precisely Rp 84.900 including the t-shirt ***word of feng shui number nine which make it in luck ha ha***, if the picture is more complex, the price will be more be costly. But for enthusiastic all of you, you can request to me draw what all of you like, you also can bring the t-shirt by your self.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Second commission; Kosmo Factory Outlet
For this time the client wants to make a billboard and advertisement on newsletter for information if the FO comeback again with the new concept. the FO want to tell the audience if they more elegant, now and different from others, look stylish and up to date ***what that's means?***. So, I start to work with my style of course and you know, a lot of patterns, sketch and finally I think they like it, they like my work, ***with the revision of course, hahaha...just deleting the raindrops falling, because it's no good says feng shui ***. But don't worry, you can look my original design here, on the top. I was submitted in DA before. And here the final ... ups the files corrupt wait a moment please! haha sorry, ehm ... now this the final

design and lay out by thoms, just put the ornament
from the original design then he redesigned with his style
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Exhibiton: 21 Indonesian Female Artist on DeviantArt
21 artworks presented on the day when one of greatest female icon in Indonesia (it's more than pop female icon on tv) was born, who has struggled to fought the female right to take educations at her times.
At her time, kartini has always been critical. she criticize the Javanese culture and religion asreason to place female in the kitchen and bed. she wanted that Indonesian female has the same right just like what a men can get especially in education. And here we as an Indonesian female very thankful for what R.A Kartini has fought so at this time we Indonesian female can get proper chances in many fields, even we realize that still a lot of female degradation somewhere between us.. and for that reason Indonesian female should never stop fighting our right!!
if europian have simon de beauvoir we have R.A KArtini
(Jepara, 21 April 1879 - Rembang, 17 September 1904)
R.A Kartini before 20 years old she's already think about female right.
or more information about this exhibition at
preview some artwork
Friday, April 18, 2008
jogjaforce on pattern, NEW TEES FROM JOGJAFORCE
I made it on sketch then I'm vectorized it with Coreldraw and finishing in photoshop, blanded with old paper for the background. I dedicated it for my community JOGJAFORCE. All of you can visit our website in www.jogjaforce.com.
If you wanna get it, check in our forum http://massivelab.com/
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Project: Design and illustration for Painting and Coloring Competition for Kids
Client: de Kosmo Factory Outlet
Illustration: imadawwas
Coloring and Layout: thomas dian (http://bougexhibition.blogspot.com)
Monday, April 14, 2008

Setelah ADVY dan UKSW sekarang waktunya UII
AHAD, 20 APRIL 2008
09.00 - 16.00
Poster design:
illustration by imadawwas
coloring & lay out by thomas dian
Sekilas tentang desain poster
Konsepnya hampir sama dengan selvolution, be your self then explore your art style!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sekedar bocoran dan bercerita sedikit, karya yang telah saya bikin ini merupakan karya illustrasi pertama saya untuk undangan pernikahan sahabat saya. Dia ingin ada sesuatu yang berbeda di desain undangannya dari kebanyakan undangan yang telah ada sebelumnya. Dan oleh karenanya dia menghubungi saya untuk membikinkannya sebuah konsep undangan illustrasi, temanya bebas dengan dominasi warna ungu fuschia. Setelah mengalami banyak revisi dari seorang calon nyonya cerewet *ups sorry Ka, aku khilaf* maka jadilah karya ini niih