Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Exhibiton: 21 Indonesian Female Artist on DeviantArt

21 artworks has already collected from 21 Deviantart Indonesian female artists to celebrating the raising of Indonesian female role in many aspects, such as in humanity, politic social and culture.

21 artworks presented on the day when one of greatest female icon in Indonesia (it's more than pop female icon on tv) was born, who has struggled to fought the female right to take educations at her times.

At her time, kartini has always been critical. she criticize the Javanese culture and religion asreason to place female in the kitchen and bed. she wanted that Indonesian female has the same right just like what a men can get especially in education. And here we as an Indonesian female very thankful for what R.A Kartini has fought so at this time we Indonesian female can get proper chances in many fields, even we realize that still a lot of female degradation somewhere between us.. and for that reason Indonesian female should never stop fighting our right!!

if europian have simon de beauvoir we have R.A KArtini
(Jepara, 21 April 1879 - Rembang, 17 September 1904)

R.A Kartini before 20 years old she's already think about female right.
or more information about this exhibition at
preview some artwork

The Beauty Within
by http://Lalapop

Bali dancer by Risya Dwi P

Hey Girls by Diela Maharani

Housewife needs a break by Nani Sakurai

Kartince by Ima Dawwas

Our Own Way of Fighting by Mira Tazkia

1 comment:

Eugenia Gina said...

suka semuaaa ! kereen.. nanti aku link balik jg ya, senenag ada temen sesama illustrator.. :D